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Alice Paul
“Why hasn't there been
more progress toward
realizing social justice and
peace in our world?”
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J. Cherry Muhanji
To encourage our readers to buy term papers online, we promise to have our best writers from finish these projects. One of them is actively working on new projects. Cherry is the lead teacher for courses and workshops offered by SFMCand supervises
curricula and educational content of SFMC. Cherry Muhanji's bio.

Mona Shaw
Monais the School's founder andorganizes eventsand maintainsourwebsite and the
communityevents calendar. Mona Shaw's bio.

Stephany Hoffelt
Stephanytracksresponsibleconsumer of informationincludingcorporateabuse as well
asresponsible business. The list includes places to purchase goods thatdo not rely on
child, prison, or slave labor. She also has helpful tips on how to dowithout in order to
achieve greater good with our purchasing.For local buyinginformation, check her blog

Sean Megan
Sean is the School's archivist and photographer.  He also provides researchand
advance activities for our events.

Richard Shannon
Richard tracksand analyzescurrent political events and provides insight for response

Michael Shaw
Michael is one of our co-founders and contributes counsel and teaching.

David Williams
Davidlives in San Francisco anddirects and reports on SFMC initiatives to provide
national health care foreveryone.