Nonviolence on the Front Line

Michele Naar-Obed

Michele Naar-Obed is from Duluth, MN, and has traveled to Iraq four times with
Christian Peacemaker Teams. ?Naar-Obed?s journeys drew national attention
recently when
her letter to the judge who sentenced her husband to federal
prison for his anti-war activities was picked up by the associated press.

Saturday December 2 at 1:00 PM
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1026 State Street
Grinnell Iowa

This presentation is followed by a Workshop on Nonviolence at

If you would like more information or to let us know you are coming:
please contact
Susan Mcintyre, Grinnell Community Peace Group
More information about
Michele Naar-Obed

Los Angeles Time article

NPR radio interview

Dispatch from Iraq

Letter to the Judge

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School for Moral Courage
Michele Naar-Obed