Contact:Kristy Jackson
    Symposium Coordinator
    Phone: (319) 541-4067


    The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice Hosts Symposium on
    Welfare ReformFeaturing Keynote Address by Senator John
    Edwards on Poverty

    The Journal of Gender, Race, andJustice will host its 11th annual symposium
    on October 13-14, 2006 atthe University of Iowa College of Law's Boyd Law
    Building.  The 2006symposium, "One Act, Ten Years, Thousands of Families:
    Welfare Reform inContemporary America," will examine the effect of welfare
    reform onAmerican families.  Senator John Edwards will deliver the keynote
    address and will focus on all the issues relating to poverty onSaturday,
    October 14 at 1:00 p.m. in Levitt Auditorium in the Boyd LawBuilding.

    The symposium will feature scholars and activists from around thecountry
    who will discuss the successes and failures of the PersonalResponsibility
    and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
    ty_Reconciliation_Act>  of 1996, which dramatically reformed the welfare
    system. The Act has been criticized for discouraging work and family;not
    providing states with enough flexibility, and for not achieving itsaim of reducing
    poverty.[1][1]  The symposium will run from 12 p.m. - 4p.m. on Friday, October
    13 and 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Saturday,October 14.  For a detailed schedule
    of panels and speakers, please goto

    Keynote speaker Senator John Edwards is the Director of the Center for
    Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina-Chapel
    Hill School of Law.  Sen. Edwards served in the U.S. Senate from1998-2004
    and ran for Vice President in 2004.  Sen. Edwards hasadvocated on behalf of
    the working poor during his twenty-year legalcareer, his tenure as a U.S.
    Senator, and on the vice presidentialcampaign trail.

    The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice is one of four student-runjournals in
    the College of Law.  The Journal began in 1995 and sincethat time, it has
    hosted ten symposiums discussing legal issues relatedto gender, race, or
    justice in modern America.

    "As this is the 10th anniversary of the 1996 Act reforming welfare, this
    year's symposium is especially timely," said Kristy Jackson, Symposium
    Coordinator.  "The Journal is truly excited to be presenting this kindof
    important discussion to the community."

    For more information, contact Kristy Jackson, Symposium Coordinator at
    Phone: (319) 541-4067 or.
    [1] See Urban Institute, An Analysis of the Issues, available at
    National Conference ofState Legislatures,http://www.ncsl.
    Andrew Cherlin, TheConsequences of Welfare Reform for Child Well-Being:
    What Have WeLearned So Far and What are the Policy Implications?,
    available at