Joe's Bike Ride Around Iowa City (JOEBRAIC) Saturday,
    October 14, 11:00AM, Lower City Park

    A family leisure ride to celebrate our existing local recreational
    trails and the cooperative effort between city, county, state and
    federal officials and advocates to create even more.

    Trails provide facilities that make our community a great place to
    live and stay in shape. They also provide transportation routes for
    bicycle and pedestrian commuters. We must continue to plan for
    and invest in these community amenities.  I applaud the Johnson
    County Board of Supervisors for beginning the process of
    designing and finishing the Dubuque Street Trail to the North
    Liberty City limits.

    The ride will start at the Lower City Park , Boat Ramp Parking Area,
    and will follow sections of the Iowa River Corridor Trail, the
    Sycamore Greenway Trail, the Highway 6 Trail, and the Scott Blvd.
    multi-use wide sidewalks.  Sections of the ride will be on streets
    where no trail currently exists.  The ride will have a brief stop and
    program at the Johnson County Administration Building and end at
    my home  728 2nd Avenue , Iowa City  with refreshments.  Ride
    mileage includes turn around spots to shorten the total length.  
    Riders assume all risks of riding public trails and streets.

    All are welcome. There are 3, 7, and 15 mile routes.  The 3 and 7
    mile routes are on trails. No registration necessary, but donations
    for the Iowa City Bike Library will gladly be accepted. Please RSVP
    if you plan to ride or attend.


    Janelle Rettig
    110 Shrader Rd
    Iowa City, IA 52245
    319-338-0999 (phone/fax)
    319-330-0916 (cell)