National March on Washington
January 27, 2007
Charter Bus Reservation for March on Washington, Jan. 26-28

Please reserve by January 5, 2007
Your reservation is not confirmed until payment is
received or sponsor arrangements have been made.
* Required Field
Your name:
Please enter your email address if you have one.
 Return to D.C. Trip Details Page.
City, State, Zip
Payment is enclosed with this form.
Payment has been mailed.
I would like a sponsorship
Please indicate in the box below if you need a full or partial sponsorship.
Questions, comments, or feedback:
Please print this form and mail it to the address below.

You may submit this form electronically, but your reservation will not be confirmed until your payment is
or sponsorship arrangements have been made.

Please make your check or money order payable to: Tim Gauger

                                                                                   Also, add "DC Trip" on the memo line of the check.

Mail your payment to:  
Mona Shaw
P.O. Box  10084
        Iowa City, IA  52244
Return to D.C. Trip Details Page.